Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy


Greetings to, the digital domain we navigate with intellectual reverence.

The gravity we assign to copyright transgressions is profound, aligned with our commitment to upholding the intellectual sanctity of others. This discourse delineates our approach to managing claims of copyright infringement, adhering to the tenets of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Furnishing a Takedown Notice

In instances where the tapestry of your creation feels woven into by the content on our platform, you possess the prerogative to dispatch a takedown notice to our designated DMCA Agent. In executing this, your notice necessitates the inclusion of the following components:

Your autograph or electronic signature of the copyright owner (or an authorized agent acting on their behalf);
Unveiling the copyrighted opus purportedly violated;
Explicit identification of the infringing material earmarked for removal, accompanied by particulars facilitating its pinpointing (such as the URL of the page).
Disclosure of your contact particulars, inclusive of your nomenclature, domicile, electronic correspondence, and telephone digits;
A solemn avowal that your conviction rests on the bona fide belief that the material’s use is bereft of authorization; and
An attestation affirming the precision of the information in the notice, underscored by the peril of perjury, asserting your mandate to act as the copyright owner’s authorized surrogate.
It merits emphasis that proffering falsified or misleading information within a takedown notice may subject you to civil penalties.

Issuing a Takedown Notice

The avenue for submitting a takedown notice unfurls through our Contact page, with our counsel advocating the electronic avenue for expeditious attention.

Sharing Cognizance with Presumed Transgressors

Any foray into the realms of copyright infringement claims begets the potential for divulging the identity and details to the alleged transgressor. By launching a claim, you accede to the prospect that your identity and assertion might traverse to the purported infringer.

Counter-Notification and Resurgence of Material

In the eventuality that notification arrives, indicating the removal of your creation due to a copyright infringement assertion, a counter-notification becomes your recourse to orchestrate the material’s resurgence. Elements integral to your counter-notification encompass:

Your tangible or digital autograph.
A comprehensive depiction of the expunged material and its primal abode.
A solemn declaration, under the peril of perjury, articulating your conviction that the material’s removal hinges on error or misidentification.
Your name, residence, and telephone number, appended by a declaration of concurrence with the jurisdiction of the federal district court aligned with your address (or, if beyond U.S. borders, assent to any jurisdiction where the service provider may be found), coupled with an acceptance of process service from the originator of the initial infringement notification.
It is imperative to forward your counter-notification via our Contact page, with the electronic trajectory advocated for expeditious transmittal.

Recidivist Infringer Doctrine

Our tolerance for recurrent infringers hovers at zero, signifying the termination of accounts for those flouting our internal protocols pertaining to repeat infringements.


The prerogative to recalibrate this doctrine endures in our purview. A periodic revisitation is advised to apprise oneself of any updates.

Contact Coordinates

Should queries envelop your understanding of this doctrine, our DMCA Agent stands as a conduit for clarification, awaiting engagement through our Contact page.

Trust this exposition stands lucid and faithful. Enquiries are welcomed.


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